by Catharina Thorell | Apr 15, 2018 | Destinations
Klädesholmen is an old fishing village that flourishes with the herring periods since the 15th century. Here you can have a real experience in food and raw materials and a fantastic environment. In addition, this is a floating hotel that just has to be...
by Catharina Thorell | Apr 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Louisiana är ett modernt konst museum. Men det är så mycket mera. Om museet är menat att betyda en plats som lagrar och bevarar kulturella idéer och uttryck. Louisiana är en “levande plats”, som ligger utanför Köpenhamn..
by Catharina Thorell | Apr 12, 2018 | Destinations
The Louisiana is a modern art museum. But it is so much more. If museum is taken to mean a place that stores past cultural ideas and expressions. The Louisiana is a “living place “, outside Copenhagen. Welcome to book with us and...
by Catharina Thorell | Apr 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
De första tranorna kommer till Hornborgasjön redan i mitten av mars. Den bästa platsen att beskåda dessa ståtliga fåglar och deras dans är Trandansen, som ligger vid Hornborgasjöns sydspets. Hornborgasjön ligger i västra Sverige. En fullvuxen trana väger mellan 4 och...
by Catharina Thorell | Apr 10, 2018 | News
Already in the middle of march the cranes are arriving to lake Honborga. Honborga is located in the west of Sweden. The best spot to see the proud birds and their dance is at Trandansen,located at the South of the lake. A full grown crane weights between four and...