Waffel Day

Waffel Day

VisitSweden ·Today we celebrate the Waffle Day in Sweden. Do you have this tradition in your country? Waffles and våffeldagen | Visit Sweden Waffles are so popular in Sweden they even have their own day. Läs mer visitsweden.com...


Welcome to CA Travel Nordic website We help you to “customize” your trips as desired for trips within the Nordic region. Depending on your reqest like cycling tours, walking package, adventure holiday package,city tours,boat tours ,fishing tours ,nordic light and...
Welcome 2

Welcome 2

Welcome to spring 2018 Now we are longing for spring and summer. Maybe it’s time to plan your summer and autumn trip. We are happy to help you tailor your adventure in the Nordic region. Send a request and we will be returning to you shortly with suggestions for...