It is safe to book at CA Travel Nordic
It is safe to book the trip with CA Travel Nordic when we have made travel guarantees to Kammarkollegiet.
Travel Guarantees at Kammarkollegiet
The travel guarantee will protect travelers when Package travel is set or canceled. The guarantee must be submitted to Kammarkollegiet before the company begins to market or sell travel. If, for some reason, the trips are not carried out, usually due to bankruptcy, the warranty can be used to compensate affected passengers. In order to receive compensation, you must apply to the Resegarantinämnden.
Kammarkollegiet – read more here
Resegarantier – read more here
Important to know about travel guarantees
Travel guarantee is an economic protection for travelers when a trip is canceled or canceled. The traveler can then apply for compensation from the travel guarantee. The Travel Guarantee Act applies to:
A package trip is an arrangement consisting of transport and accommodation or any of these services in combination with a tourist service, which is a non-essential part of the arrangement and which is not directly linked to the transportation or accommodation, such as rental car, theater tickets or entry to a sporting event. A package trip must be longer than 24 hours or contain accommodation. A package trip is sold at a full price or at different prices linked to each other. Travel guarantee should be provided for all package holidays, whether sold to private individuals or companies.
The Travel Guarantee Act also applies to the following trips if purchased by private individuals:
Package-like travel
The travel guarantee includes those who purchase package-like trips, that is to say. Travel consisting of separate transport and accommodation services which together show substantial resemblance to a package trip. The combination should appear as a natural device.
The application for compensation must have been received by the Travel Guarantee Board no later than three months after the trip has been canceled, canceled or otherwise not canceled.
For more information, visit or call Kammarkollegiet / Resegarantinämnden on +468-700 08 00.